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How to set up a Bank of America credit card on auto pay: Step-by-step walkthrough

If you’ve ever tried to set up a Bank of America credit card for automatic payments, you know that setting up auto pay on a BofA credit card is a lengthy, confusing process. And the instructions available on Bank of America’s website are little help.

Here’s our step-by-step guide to setting up auto-pay on Bank of America credit cards.

Summary of enrolling in Bank of America credit card autopay

Setting up automatic payments on Bank of America credit cards is a multi-step process. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Add an external payment account to your online profile if paying from another bank.
  • Add your credit card to the Bank of America Payment Center.
  • Enroll in eBills for your credit card.
  • Set up your Bank of America credit card for automatic payments.

Next, we’ll walk you through the complete process, step by step.

Setting up Bank of America credit card autopay on the web

Here’s how to set up automatic payments on your Bank of America credit card, step by step.

Step 1: Access the Payment Center.

To set up Bank of America automatic payments on your credit card, the first thing you’ll need to do is find the payment center on BofA’s website. Once you are logged into your account, you can find the Payment Center from the navigation menu under the “Pay & Transfer” tab and the “Bill Pay” section. Select “Make a payment” to go to the Payment Center.

The Pay & Transfer menu on the Bank of America online account management site is expanded. It shows several options, including a "Bill Pay" section with an option for "Make a Payment" highlighted.

Step 2: Add your credit card account to the Payment Center.

Within the Payment Center, you might see a list of accounts that have already been set up for Bank of America bill pay. If this is the first time you’ve set up bill payments for your credit card, you won’t see your credit card in the list.

You’ll need to add your account to the Payment Center. Click on the button labeled “Add a Company or Person” in the panel at the top of the page.

Screenshot of the header panel on the Payment Center. There is a button to Add a Company or Person. This option is highlighted in the screenshot.

This will bring up a screen titled “Add a company or person.” Select the “Company” tab. In the search box, type “Bank of America” and click the magnifying glass icon.

Once you’ve clicked the magnifying glass, you’ll see several tiles in the search results box. Click on the “Bank of America” tile. (Do not click on the “Bank of America Home Loans” tile.) This will bring up a dropdown with various types of Bank of America accounts. Select “Bank of America Credit Card” from the dropdown.

Screenshot showing a step in the Bank of America credit card auto pay setup process. You must search for Bank of America on the Add a Company or Person screen and then select Bank of America Credit Card from the dropdown.

You’ll then be prompted top enter your credit card account number. Do this and click on “Add” to add the account to Bank of America Bill Pay

Screenshot of the Bank of America credit card auto pay setup process. You must enter your account number on the Add a company or person screen.

Once you’ve added your credit card account to the Bank of America Payment Center, you’ll see the account on the Payment Center page. If you have other accounts, this account will be one on a list showing all of the accounts that are set up for payments.

Screenshot of an account panel from the Bank of America bill pay payment center. The screenshot shows a credit card account with eBills as an available option. In the screenshot, eBills has not yet been activated.

Step 3: Request eBills on your credit card account.

To set up autopay on your Bank of America credit card, you’ll first need to request eBills. From the panel showing your credit card account in the Payment Center, click on the “Request eBills” link. Once you click “Request eBills” you’ll see the following screen.

A screenshot of the process to activate eBills. You must verify the last 4 digits of your Social Security number or Taxpayer Identification number. In the screenshot, there is also a checkbox to agree to sharing your email address with the biller and a submit button.

If you have multiple Bank of America credit card accounts, you may see several accounts under “Available Bills.” Select the account that you want to add and enter the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number of Taxpayer Identification Number. Click on “Add” at the bottom of the screen to add the biller to eBills. If you want to set up multiple accounts, you can follow the same process for each account.

Once you’ve either added or skipped all of your accounts, you’ll need to check the box that says you agree to share your email address and click “Submit.” (The submit button will be enabled once you’ve added your accounts.) Your eBills won’t be enabled until after you do this step.

After clicking “Submit” you’ll see the following confirmation:

Screenshot of the confirmation screen you get after setting up a credit card eBill. The screenshot stats that you can now set up Autopay.

When you go back to the Payment Center, you’ll see your account in the Payment Center with a green “ON” indicator by eBills.

Screenshot of an account panel from the Bank of America bill pay payment center. The screenshot shows a credit card account with eBills on.

Step 5: Set up Autopay on your credit card account

Now that you’ve added your account to the Payment Center and enrolled in eBills, you can finally start the process of setting up automatic payments on your Bank of America credit card.

Within the Payment Center, click on the “AutoPay” link that you’ll see under the card panel. The panel will expand and show some information about automatic payments. Click on “Set Up AutoPay” at the bottom of this window. If you do not see the AutoPay link, you most likely have not yet activated eBills. See the instructions for activating eBills above.

After clicking “Set Up AutoPay” you’ll be prompted to set up your AutoPay for your credit card. Select the account you want to pay the bill from, the date that you want to make the payment and whether to pay the statement balance or the minimum payment. Optionally, you can set a payment amount limit or request that you receive emails when your payment is scheduled or has been sent.

Click “Start Sending Payments” to complete your credit card autopay enrollment.

Screenshot of the screen to manage AutoPay on a Bank of America credit card. You can select an account to pay from, a delivery date, and an amount to pay. There are also options for various email notifications. A button at the bottom of the screen labeled "Start Sending Payments" is the button to click to submit the form.

After you click “Start Sending Payments” you’ll receive a confirmation. Congratulations. Your automatic payments on your credit card is set up.

A confirmation screen showing that automatic payment takes effect with the delivery of the next eBill on a Bank of America credit card account. The confirmation displays the pay-from account, payment delivery date preference, and payment amount preference.

When you return to the Payment Center, you’ll also see a green “ON” indication in your account panel in the Bank of America Payment Center.

Screenshot of an account panel from the Bank of America bill pay payment center. The screenshot shows a credit card account with eBills and AutoPay on.

Bottom line

Setting up automatic payments on a Bank of America credit card is a complicated process that requires you to add the account to Bank of America bill pay, enroll in eBills, and set up your payments. Our guide walks you through this entire process step-by-step.

About the author

  • Photo of Aaron Hurd, credit card and travel rewards expert.

    Aaron Hurd is the Executive Editor of Cards and Points. He is a credit card and travel rewards expert whose contributions have been featured in WSJ, TIME, Forbes, NerdWallet, and many other outlets.

    View all posts Executive Editor